At Bayan Medical, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity across all our business practices and interactions. Every employee, regardless of their role, is expected to align their conduct with our core values, ethical guidelines, company policies, and the legal framework surrounding bribery and corruption.

Report a Concern

If you become aware of or suspect any unethical behavior, misconduct, or violation of Bayan Medical’s values—such as integrity issues, bribery, or corruption—you are encouraged to report it. This reporting channel is available to employees, business partners, and external stakeholders, including vendors and service providers.

We uphold a strict non-retaliation policy to protect anyone who reports concerns in good faith. Bayan Medical does not tolerate any form of retaliation, intimidation, or threats toward individuals who raise issues, participate in investigations, or assist with inquiries. Your identity and the information shared will be kept confidential, only disclosed to authorized personnel when necessary for legitimate purposes.